const isWeex = typeof WXEnvironment !== 'undefined'; const isWeexIOS = isWeex && /ios/i.test(WXEnvironment.platform); const isWeexAndroid = isWeex && !isWeexIOS; import GLmethod from '../context-webgl/GLmethod'; const GCanvasModule = (typeof weex !== 'undefined' && weex.requireModule) ? (weex.requireModule('gcanvas')) : (typeof __weex_require__ !== 'undefined') ? (__weex_require__('@weex-module/gcanvas')) : {}; let isDebugging = false; let isComboDisabled = false; const logCommand = (function () { const methodQuery = []; Object.keys(GLmethod).forEach(key => { methodQuery[GLmethod[key]] = key; }) const queryMethod = (id) => { return methodQuery[parseInt(id)] || 'NotFoundMethod'; } const logCommand = (id, cmds) => { const mId = cmds.split(',')[0]; const mName = queryMethod(mId); console.log(`=== callNative - componentId:${id}; method: ${mName}; cmds: ${cmds}`); } return logCommand; })(); function joinArray(arr, sep) { let res = ''; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (i !== 0) { res += sep; } res += arr[i]; } return res; } const commandsCache = {} const GBridge = { callEnable: (ref, configArray) => { commandsCache[ref] = []; return GCanvasModule.enable({ componentId: ref, config: configArray }); }, callEnableDebug: () => { isDebugging = true; }, callEnableDisableCombo: () => { isComboDisabled = true; }, callSetContextType: function (componentId, context_type) { GCanvasModule.setContextType(context_type, componentId); }, callReset: function(id){ GCanvasModule.resetComponent && canvasModule.resetComponent(componentId); }, render: isWeexIOS ? function (componentId) { return GCanvasModule.extendCallNative({ contextId: componentId, type: 0x60000001 }); } : function (componentId) { return callGCanvasLinkNative(componentId, 0x60000001, 'render'); }, render2d: isWeexIOS ? function (componentId, commands, callback) { if (isDebugging) { console.log('>>> >>> render2d ==='); console.log('>>> commands: ' + commands); } GCanvasModule.render([commands, callback?true:false], componentId, callback); } : function (componentId, commands,callback) { if (isDebugging) { console.log('>>> >>> render2d ==='); console.log('>>> commands: ' + commands); } callGCanvasLinkNative(componentId, 0x20000001, commands); if(callback){ callback(); } }, callExtendCallNative: isWeexIOS ? function (componentId, cmdArgs) { throw 'should not be here anymore ' + cmdArgs; } : function (componentId, cmdArgs) { throw 'should not be here anymore ' + cmdArgs; }, flushNative: isWeexIOS ? function (componentId) { const cmdArgs = joinArray(commandsCache[componentId], ';'); commandsCache[componentId] = []; if (isDebugging) { console.log('>>> >>> flush native ==='); console.log('>>> commands: ' + cmdArgs); } const result = GCanvasModule.extendCallNative({ "contextId": componentId, "type": 0x60000000, "args": cmdArgs }); const res = result && result.result; if (isDebugging) { console.log('>>> result: ' + res); } return res; } : function (componentId) { const cmdArgs = joinArray(commandsCache[componentId], ';'); commandsCache[componentId] = []; if (isDebugging) { console.log('>>> >>> flush native ==='); console.log('>>> commands: ' + cmdArgs); } const result = callGCanvasLinkNative(componentId, 0x60000000, cmdArgs); if (isDebugging) { console.log('>>> result: ' + result); } return result; }, callNative: function (componentId, cmdArgs, cache) { if (isDebugging) { logCommand(componentId, cmdArgs); } commandsCache[componentId].push(cmdArgs); if (!cache || isComboDisabled) { return GBridge.flushNative(componentId); } else { return undefined; } }, texImage2D(componentId, ...args) { if (isWeexIOS) { if (args.length === 6) { const [target, level, internalformat, format, type, image] = args; GBridge.callNative( componentId, GLmethod.texImage2D + ',' + 6 + ',' + target + ',' + level + ',' + internalformat + ',' + format + ',' + type + ',' + image.src ) } else if (args.length === 9) { const [target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, image] = args; GBridge.callNative( componentId, GLmethod.texImage2D + ',' + 9 + ',' + target + ',' + level + ',' + internalformat + ',' + width + ',' + height + ',' + border + ',' + + format + ',' + type + ',' + (image ? image.src : 0) ) } } else if (isWeexAndroid) { if (args.length === 6) { const [target, level, internalformat, format, type, image] = args; GCanvasModule.texImage2D(componentId, target, level, internalformat, format, type, image.src); } else if (args.length === 9) { const [target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, image] = args; GCanvasModule.texImage2D(componentId, target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, (image ? image.src : 0)); } } }, texSubImage2D(componentId, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, format, type, image) { if (isWeexIOS) { if (arguments.length === 8) { GBridge.callNative( componentId, GLmethod.texSubImage2D + ',' + 6 + ',' + target + ',' + level + ',' + xoffset + ',' + yoffset, + ',' + format + ',' + type + ',' + image.src ) } } else if (isWeexAndroid) { GCanvasModule.texSubImage2D(componentId, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, format, type, image.src); } }, bindImageTexture(componentId, src, imageId) { GCanvasModule.bindImageTexture([src, imageId], componentId); }, perloadImage([url, id], callback) { GCanvasModule.preLoadImage([url, id], function (image) { image.url = url; = id; callback(image); }); }, measureText(text, fontStyle, componentId) { return GCanvasModule.measureText([text, fontStyle], componentId); }, getImageData (componentId, x, y, w, h, callback) { GCanvasModule.getImageData([x, y,w,h],componentId,callback); }, putImageData (componentId, data, x, y, w, h, callback) { GCanvasModule.putImageData([x, y,w,h,data],componentId,callback); }, toTempFilePath(componentId, x, y, width, height, destWidth, destHeight, fileType, quality, callback){ GCanvasModule.toTempFilePath([x, y, width,height, destWidth, destHeight, fileType, quality], componentId, callback); } } export default GBridge;